
Observe Well When Your Baby Drops! These Symptoms Can Be A Sign of Serious Problems

Falls are most common in infants; It is seen in the form of head impact, falling on the head, and falling out of bed. The first 24 hours are very important in falling, which is among the problems of infancy, and the mother should follow the baby closely.

Observe Well When Your Baby Drops! These Symptoms Can Be A Sign of Serious Problems
Posted Apr 13, 2022

Falls are most common in infants; It is seen in the form of head impact, falling on the head, and falling out of bed. The first 24 hours are very important in falling, which is among the problems of infancy, and the mother should follow the baby closely. If your baby vomits and tends to sleep after falling, if you have fever, convulsions or a difference in their eyes, you should go to the hospital without wasting time. Experts state that the falling baby should not be put to sleep for at least 2 hours. You can find the details of what should be done after a fall in babies, the issues to be considered and the precautions to be taken after the baby falls, in our article below.

Falls in Babies

The most dangerous situations in infants to fall are as a result of blows to the head. Blows and injuries to the head; It is seen as falling from the highchair, cradle, lap, armchair and sofa. In older children, it occurs due to accidents in playgrounds or in kindergartens and schools.

Observe Well When Your Baby Drops! These Symptoms Can Be A Sign of Serious Problems

Head Strokes in Newborns and Infants

Experts state that if the blow to the head after the fall of the newborn baby is not very severe, it will not cause much trouble. The reason for this is that in newborn babies, the baby's brain is a protective membrane fontanel region is shown. This protective membrane has protected the baby's brain. If the baby has not received a very hard blow to the head, slight bumps will not hurt the baby too much, but if you notice something strange in the baby after the newborn baby falls, contact your doctor immediately. Experts; He states that babies who have had convulsions before, who have movement defects due to paralysis, who have developmental delays, who are prone to bleeding and who have bruises on their skin, carry a higher risk of blows and traumas to their heads.

What to Do in the Case of a Fall

The issue of falling in babies is one of the issues that parents should pay the most attention and take precautions in the care of their babies. When your baby falls, don't panic first, try to calm your baby by holding him in your arms. Because even if nothing happens to your baby after the fall, the baby may cry loudly for fear of having fallen. The most important thing to do after your baby has fallen is to observe your baby very well, and this is of great importance for the first 24 hours.

Observe Well When Your Baby Drops! These Symptoms Can Be A Sign of Serious Problems

Parents, Pay Attention to These Situations After Your Baby Drops!

  • Although it may seem like nothing happened during the blow your baby received when he fell, in some cases, the symptoms may appear after a long time after the event. Therefore, every blow your baby receives is equally important. Therefore, even if the fall is slight, the mother should observe the baby very well.
  • While the blow from the front (the baby hits the forehead) during a fall can affect the back of the head, the blow from the back (if the baby falls behind the head) can affect the front of the head.
  • If an open wound occurs after falling, bleeding should be stopped by pressing on the wound or cut with a clean cloth or gauze.
  • Since the baby hitting his head during a fall can sometimes be related to the neck, parents should be careful about neck injuries. In such cases, detailed examinations can be performed if deemed necessary by the doctor.
  • For babies who hit their head, detailed questions are asked about how the impact occurred in the hospital and a detailed examination is performed.
  • In cases where it is deemed necessary after the examination by the doctor after the fall; Examinations such as x-ray, MR or computed tomography may be requested. If your baby does not find any problems after the examination, no examination may be requested.

How Many Hours Can a Baby Hit Its Head?

Falling in babies is usually; head bumps, falling out of bed, falling on the head. It is one of the most common infancy problems encountered in the growth stages of babies. While the experts state that the baby should be followed up for the first 24 hours after the baby's fall, they underline that the baby should not be put to sleep for at least 2 hours.

Observe Well When Your Baby Drops! These Symptoms Can Be A Sign of Serious Problems

Post Fall Swelling in Babies

Babies and toddlers, who are just learning to walk and can't sit still, frequently fall from somewhere and hit their heads, which scares their parents. Usually, most falls do not cause serious problems and are best avoided with a small bump or a few bruises on the head.

Issues to be Considered by Parents and First Response After the Baby Drops

Even if the baby's condition is very good after your baby's miscarriage, the 24 hours after the fall is of the utmost importance. For this reason, parents, if your baby shows these symptoms after a fall or if there is a strange situation for you, take him to the doctor without wasting any time, no matter what time it is.

Observe Well When Your Baby Drops! These Symptoms Can Be A Sign of Serious Problems

If There Is Squinting and Vomiting After the Baby Hits His Head;

At the beginning of the issue that needs the most attention after the head blow that the baby received after the fall; whether your baby has drooping eyes, changes in the eyelids, visual disturbances, differentiation in the pupils and vomiting. Especially in cases of vomiting coming from the mouth, it is necessary to apply to the emergency room immediately. In these cases, it is recommended that the baby be evaluated by a neurosurgeon.

Observe Well When Your Baby Drops! These Symptoms Can Be A Sign of Serious Problems

If your baby fainted or lost consciousness when he hit his head after a fall,

Another issue that parents should pay attention to after the baby falls is to check whether the baby is breathing easily in case of fainting, loss of consciousness, vomiting or even convulsions after hitting his head. In the control to be made, first check that your baby's tongue does not go into the content and make sure that he is breathing comfortably. If you observe forgetfulness, disorientation, headache and sleepiness after falling in your child, take him to a doctor immediately.

Don't Lift Your Baby Off The Floor With These Symptoms

After your baby falls and hits his head; Situations such as a liquid such as water coming out of your baby's ear, impaired walking, and inability to hold one side may be observed. If your baby is unconscious or lying on the floor after falling, do not pick up or move your baby. In such a case, immediately call an ambulance and apply to a health institution. In such cases, lifting or wiggling the baby can cause serious health problems. If the child who has fallen is older, vomiting, nausea and slurred speech may occur.

Observe Well When Your Baby Drops! These Symptoms Can Be A Sign of Serious Problems

In These Situations Take It To The Doctor Immediately

  • If the child has difficulty in breathing,
  • If there is a collapsed area suggesting a fracture in the head region,
  • If the child is sleepy outside of the bedtime or does not wake up at the waking time,
  • If the child has convulsions with contractions in the hands and feet,
  • If the pupils are not symmetrical,
  • If a walking child is unable to walk,
  • If there is a repetitive number of gushing vomit,
  • If there is blood or fluid coming from the ear or nose,
  • If there is a loss of muscle strength in one of the arms or legs,
  • If there is loss of consciousness,
  • If there is an open bleeding and unstoppable incision, you should immediately go to the hospital.

Observe Well When Your Baby Drops! These Symptoms Can Be A Sign of Serious Problems

Precautions to be taken to prevent the baby from falling

Simple measures you can take at home to prevent your baby from falling can prevent serious consequences for your baby's health.

  • If your baby is not able to stand up by holding on yet, you can prevent the baby from falling out of the bed by placing barriers on both sides of the cot.
  • If your baby is standing up by holding on, the barriers alone will not be enough.
  • In case the baby falls over the barriers of the bed, you can make the bed surroundings safe with soft materials such as cushions under the bed.
  • Make sure that your baby's crib / cot is not too high.
  • Do not leave your baby alone for a long time in his crawling period.
  • Make baby locks for windows, fix items that the baby can step on and keep your baby away from balconies and stairs.
  • Cover the sharp corners of your furniture with plastic corner protectors.