
What Month Can Babies Start Eating Fish?

Can babies eat fish? When to start giving fish to babies? How is it cooked? Can a breastfed baby be fed fish? Details are in our article!

What Month Can Babies Start Eating Fish?
Posted Mar 5, 2022

What Fish Can Babies Eat?

Fish, which has a high protein content, is also a food rich in amino acids, which are essential for the body. Especially fish, which supports brain and eye development, should be consumed at least 2 days a week. However, due to the possibility of allergy to their baby, mothers are hesitant to look after them. So, what do the experts on the subject say? Can babies eat fish? When to start giving fish to babies? How is it cooked? Can a breastfed baby be fed fish? Details are in our article!

When to Feed Fish to Babies?

The World Health Organization (WHO) states that infants should be exclusively breastfed for the first 6 months. Because breast milk alone meets all the vitamins and minerals that the baby needs. However, breast milk may not be able to meet the components necessary for the development of the baby after the 6th month on its own. For this reason, it is recommended to start complementary foods as of the 6th month. When starting complementary foods, it should be known that the baby's digestive system is not fully developed yet and the allergy potential is high. Therefore, when choosing the first foods, it would be right to start with easy-to-digest foods such as yogurt and soup. Foods such as red meat, chicken meat and fish should be added to the baby's menu little by little after the 8th month at the earliest. Most experts agree with 8 because it has a high allergy potential and is difficult to digest. states that these foods should not be given to babies before the age of one month. It is much safer for babies with allergy risk to start consuming these foods after 1 year of age.

What Month Can Babies Start Eating Fish?

What Fish Can Babies Eat?

It will be useful to consider the following criteria when choosing the fish to feed your baby.

  • Surface fish should be preferred as bottom fish may contain heavy metals.
  • Care should be taken to ensure that the fish is fresh and consumed in season.
  • It should be noted that it is sea fish instead of farmed fish and canned fish.
  • Small fish with lots of bones, such as anchovy, should not be preferred against the risk of drowning.
  • It is healthier to wait 1 year to give oily fish such as salmon and bonito.
  • The US Food and Drug Administration strongly discourages giving swordfish to children because it contains heavy mercury.
  • Leerfish and lagos can be a good start.

What Month Can Babies Start Eating Fish?

How to Cook Fish for Babies?

Since the digestive system of babies is not fully developed, the fish must first be well cooked. Baking or poaching is ideal for little ones. In addition, because the fried fish will smell more intense, it may cause the baby to refuse to eat fish.

Can Fish be Given to a Breastfed Baby?

Another question that comes to mind for mothers who are breastfeeding and whose baby is starting solid food at the same time is whether a breastfed baby can eat fish. Experts do not find any harm in consuming fish for babies who are breastfed. Likewise, babies who eat yogurt during the day can eat fish in the evening. The important thing is that the fish is fresh.

What Month Can Babies Start Eating Fish?

How Many Times Should Babies Eat Fish per Week?

Fish, which supports the eye, brain and physical development of the baby with the oils it contains, can be given once a week, at the earliest in the 8th month, with the approval of the doctor. In the following months, you can increase it to twice a week. You should keep all the nutrients you will give your baby to a minimum and observe your baby in case the baby has an allergic reaction. If it shows an allergic reaction, you should consult your doctor and you should not add that food to your baby's menu for a while.