
If You Have These Symptoms, It Means The Teething Process Has Started

The process in which babies' first teeth begin to emerge is a long and challenging process for both mother and baby. During this period, experts give some advice to mothers about what to do.

If You Have These Symptoms, It Means The Teething Process Has Started
Posted Mar 21, 2022

Teething symptoms in babies; moodiness, fever and irritability, coughing and reddening of the cheeks. Teething process in babies is a very difficult period for mothers and babies. Usually, the first signs of teething can be seen in 4-month-old babies. During this period, mothers look for remedies to make the teething process comfortable. So, how do you know when a baby is teething? When do teething symptoms start and how long do they last? Here are the details...

Teething in Babies

Babies' first teeth begin to form in the womb between the 3rd and 6th months of pregnancy. After the birth of the baby, usually from the 7th month, the lower front teeth appear and begin to take their place in the baby's mouth. Experts state that teething of babies is due to hereditary factors. It takes between 6 months and 30 months to complete the milk teeth that continue to erupt at regular intervals.

If You Have These Symptoms, It Means The Teething Process Has Started

First Teething Symptoms in Babies

The symptom of removing the first teeth (milk teeth) of babies begins 3 months before the opening of the gums. In this process, in the baby; Symptoms such as mild fever, drooling, restlessness accompanying crying, biting hands, mild rash around the mouth, loss of appetite and sleep disturbance are seen. From the onset of these symptoms, experts state that parents should pay particular attention to some symptoms. These; The first sign of teething in the baby is increased salivation, which causes a rash and redness around the baby's mouth. In order to prevent this, it is recommended that the baby's face be wiped with a soft and clean cloth during the period when the signs of eruption of the baby's milk teeth begin to appear, and it should be supported with appropriate moisturizing creams to prevent irritation.

Problems Experienced During Teething in Babies

  • drool
  • ache
  • Unrest
  • Redness in the cheek and chin area
  • Cough
  • Fire
  • Bite
  • Diarrhea
  • Anorexia
  • Insomnia
  • Ear scratching and tugging
  • Bleeding Gum

If You Have These Symptoms, It Means The Teething Process Has Started

Baby Teething Symptoms: High Fever

High fever is the most obvious one among the symptoms of milk tooth eruption in babies. Experts state that a mild fever around 37 degrees is normal during the teething period. It is stated that a fever that is higher than the mentioned degree may be a sign of viral infection due to the weakening of the immune system of the baby during the teething period. It is recommended that you consult your doctor when you see a fever that is above normal in your baby.

Feeding Teething Babies

When babies are teething, their gums become very sensitive and therefore they may refuse to eat. During the baby's teething period, weight gain may slow down. Nutrition plays an important role in the teething process. Experts recommend that mothers breastfeed their babies profusely and supplement with formula when necessary. It is stated that by giving water and cold fruit purees to babies who have anorexia, it is stated that besides relieving their pain, food and water loss can be prevented.

If You Have These Symptoms, It Means The Teething Process Has Started

Gum Swelling

Among the teething symptoms in babies; During the period of swelling of the gums, redness, whitening of the gums and the appearance of the first tooth in the mouth, bleeding may occur in the said areas of the baby's mouth. Usually, this condition gets better on its own without the need to see a doctor. In cases where there is no self-healing, it is definitely useful to consult a dentist.

Do These For Your Teething Baby

Your teething baby will become cranky during this process due to the pain he feels. You can make your baby feel safe by playing games with him and holding him in your arms during periods of increased moodiness. You can use pain reliever syrup, provided that you are under the control of a doctor. In this process, do not use any medicine without consulting your doctor. Because high fever among the teething symptoms in babies can also be a symptom of another disease. You can use dental gels in consultation with the pediatric dentist. What you should not forget is that such things, which are used frequently and irregularly, can have negative effects on your baby's various organs, especially the liver.

If You Have These Symptoms, It Means The Teething Process Has Started

Green Onions for Itchy Teeth

Stating that the teething process is a very long and difficult process, experts underline that the teething symptoms that come to the fore during this period will increase the desire of babies to bite any object. It is stated that these changes, which occur because the baby wants to scratch the gums, which is among the teething symptoms in babies, are very natural. In this process, for the baby to scratch the gums; They state that it is beneficial to give the white part of cucumber, carrot or green onion. It is stated that green onions will relieve the baby as it will relieve the itching and pain in the gums very quickly.