
What to Do for a Baby Who Gets Milk in His Throat While Sucking?

Babies can often get milk in their throats and nasal passages while they are breastfeeding. In this situation, experts give some advice to parents.

What to Do for a Baby Who Gets Milk in His Throat While Sucking?
Posted Apr 13, 2022

Baby's Throat - Nasal Milk Leakage While Sucking

It is a common situation for babies to get milk in their throat - nasal passages. Babies usually get milk in their throat and nasal passages due to both not being able to control the milk due to the rapid flow of milk and fast sucking while they are sucking. Experts state that it is quite common and normal for babies to choke on milk. Experts give some advice to prevent the baby from choking on milk while bottle feeding or sucking.

Baby's Head Should Be High

If your baby is choking on milk every time he suckles and has difficulty breathing, experts recommend that you breastfeed your baby not lying down, but holding your baby in your lap and keeping his head elevated.

What to Do for a Baby Who Gets Milk in His Throat While Sucking?

Lots of Sunbathing

If your newborn is choking on milk and coughing while sucking, experts state that this may occur due to the most common congenital laryngeal (larynx) anomaly (laryngomalacia). They state that the baby should sunbathe a lot in order to reduce this situation.

Make sure the baby's nose is open

It is stated that your baby, who swallows milk while sucking, should be breastfed at 45-60 degrees and in an upright position. It is stated that it will be beneficial to drip the nasal decongestant drops recommended by the doctor to your baby with a blocked nose before each feeding.

What to Do for a Baby Who Gets Milk in His Throat While Sucking?

First Aid Practices for Baby's Throat or Nasal Milk

Doctors recommend that you turn your baby on his side and pat his back lightly if milk gets into his nose. It is important to be careful that the milk your baby sucks does not get into the lungs. For this reason, it is stated that when your baby is not suckling, placing a pillow under his head at an angle of 45 degrees will prevent sudden vomiting from entering your baby's throat.

What to Do for a Baby Who Gets Milk in His Throat While Sucking?

Baby's Breastfeeding While Bottle-Feeding

Experts while breastfeeding and bottle feeding babies; they state that sucking, swallowing and breathing reflexes require coordination and it will take some time for babies to gain experience in this regard. Especially in cases of nasal congestion and wheezing in infants, it is stated that it is a common situation for milk to run into the baby's throat. While this situation is considered normal, in some cases, the baby should be examined by a doctor. If your baby is constantly getting milk in your nose while breastfeeding or bottle-feeding and it causes problems in feeding, it is recommended that you consult a doctor for the necessary research.