
What Should Beta HCG Values Be in the Blood Test?

Whether the person is pregnant or not is determined by performing a blood pregnancy test.

What Should Beta HCG Values Be in the Blood Test?

What Should the Blood Pregnancy Test Value Be?

Whether the person is pregnant or not is determined by performing a blood pregnancy test. Beta HCG hormone, called Human Chorionic Gonadotropin in the medical literature, is popularly known as the pregnancy hormone. In the blood test made to the expectant mother, whether there is a pregnancy or not is tested by the beta HCG hormone. What is the beta hcg value to get pregnant? The value of beta HCG hormone, which is the basis for the detection of pregnancy, is between 0-10 mlU/ml in a non-pregnant woman. If the Beta HCG value is above 10 mlU, it strengthens the possibility of pregnancy. After this number of sperm fertilizes the egg cell, pregnancy occurs and the value of beta HCH hormone begins to increase. Well, what should be the value of the beta HCG hormone or the blood pregnancy test value, which shows whether you are pregnant in the blood test? When should a blood pregnancy test be done? Here are the details...

Pregnancy Test Value in Blood - Beta HCG Hormone Value

The value of Beta HCG hormone is 0-10 mlU/ml in a woman without pregnancy. After the sperm fertilizes the egg, pregnancy occurs and the values in Beta HCG hormone increase. According to the results of the blood test for the detection of pregnancy in women, the value of the Beta HCG hormone is taken into account and it is determined whether the woman is pregnant. Beta HCG hormone rises after the 6th day after fertilization. Beta HCG hormone, which first rises in the blood, rises in the urine after a few days, and after this period, pregnancy can be determined by urinalysis.

What Should Beta HCG Values Be in the Blood Test?

Double the Beta HCG Hormone During Pregnancy

Beta HCG hormone increases every two days during the pregnancy period. This increase is exactly double the previous Beta HCG hormone value. If the value of beta hcg hormone has not increased twice in the blood test done to the expectant mother, this means that there is a problem. Towards the last months of pregnancy, the rise of Beta HCG hormone slows down and remains at a constant value after a while. Beta HCG hormone is of great importance especially in the detection of ectopic pregnancy. Because in cases where ectopic pregnancy occurs, beta HCG hormone does not increase twice every two days as in normal pregnancy. An abnormality in the increase of the hormone raises the possibility of ectopic pregnancy.

What Should Beta HCG Values Be in the Blood Test?

If the Beta HCG Hormone Value is Normal and the Pregnancy Pouch Appears Empty

Although the beta HCG hormone value is at normal levels, the presence of the embryo in the sac can not be determined, although the gestational sac is visible in the ultrasound imaging, suggesting that the person may have an empty pregnancy. In addition to Beta HCG hormone, ultrasound images also play an important role in detecting such problems in advance and applying early treatment.

When Should a Blood Pregnancy Test Be Done?

Obstetricians and Gynecologists say that the blood test for pregnancy detection should not be done at all. They indicate that the reason for this is that the blood test is causing much confusion. They state that, under normal circumstances, the primarily recommended test is the urine test, however, if a blood test is to be performed, this test should be done after the delay of the menstrual period. Experts, who state that there may be very important changes depending on when the blood test is done, draw attention to the fact that in some cases, the pregnancy sac or the baby not being seen may occur in the blood test performed in the early period. Expert doctors stated that the Beta HCG value should exceed a certain value in order to see the gestational sac and the baby.

Pregnancy Week Beta HCG Values

The gestational weeks calculated by considering the last menstrual period (SAT) of the expectant mother in the pregnancy period and the Beta HCG (Bhcg) values according to these weeks are as follows;

  • 3rd week of pregnancy: 0-5 mIU/ml or / 5 -50 / 9 - 130
  • 4th week of pregnancy: 5-426 mIU/ml or / 3 - 426 / 75 - 2,600
  • Week 5 of Pregnancy: 18-7340 mIU/ml or / 19 - 7,340 / 850 - 20,800
  • 6th week of pregnancy: 1080 – 56500 mIU/ml or / 1,080 - 56,500 / 4,000 - 100,200
  • 7/8 of pregnancy. Week: 7650 – 229 000 mIU/ml or
  • 9/12 of pregnancy. Week: 25700 - 288 000 mIU/ml or / 7,650 - 288,000 / 11,500 - 289,000
  • 13/16 of pregnancy. Week: 13 300 – 254 000 mIU/ml or / 13,300 - 254,000 / 18,300 - 137,000
  • 17/24 of pregnancy. Week: 4060 – 165 400 mIU/ml or / 4,060 - 165,400 / 1,400 - 53,000
  • 25/40 of pregnancy. Week: 3640 - 117 000 mIU/ml or / 3,640 - 117,000 / 940 - 60,000
  • 4-6 days from birth . After a week , Beta hCG level decreases below 5 mIU/ml.

What Should Beta HCG Values Be in the Blood Test?

For the evaluation of Beta HCG hormone during pregnancy, an average value is created based on the lowest and highest values. This average value is of great importance during the pregnancy period. The Beta HCG Values that emerge in the first 20 days after ovulation when pregnancy occurs are as follows;

HCG Values After Ovulation

Day Lowest Beta HCG Highest Beta HCG Average Beta HCG

  • 12. Day ; 17 - 119 - 48
  • 13. Day ; 17 - 147 - 59
  • 14. Day ; 33 - 223 - 95
  • 15 days ; 17 - 429 - 132
  • Day 16 ; 70 - 758 - 292
  • 17. Day ; 111 - 514 - 303
  • 18. Day ; 135 - 1690 - 464
  • 19th Day ; 324 - 4310 - 1061
  • 20 days ; 185 - 3279 - 1287
  • Day 21; 506 - 4660 - 2034
  • 22. Day ; 540 - 10,000 - 2637