
Simple Tips for Easy Conceiving

Easy methods of conception are among the topics of interest for every couple planning a pregnancy. There are many steps to take to make it easier to conceive.

Simple Tips for Easy Conceiving

Easy methods of conception are among the topics of interest for many expectant mothers who are planning to have a baby. Women generally delay the pregnancy period for various reasons, such as to ensure their economic freedom, to lead a quality life or to pursue a career. Couples who want to have a baby want to plan the future of their baby just as they plan their lives. Couples who postpone having a child all the time look for various ways to get pregnant more easily because of the fact that they are late when they decide to get pregnant. Pregnancy occurs only when certain conditions are met. If pregnancy does not occur despite 12 months of regular intercourse, it is recommended that couples consult a doctor. In these cases, simply applying the recommendations mentioned here is not enough.

Easy Conceiving Methods

Researches indicate that the probability of getting pregnancy in healthy couples during one menstrual period is 15%. During the woman's ovulation period, it is not an easy situation to bring the sperm and egg together. In addition, there are some situations that can be done to facilitate pregnancy. Here are the things you should pay attention to and the recommended practices to facilitate fast pregnancy;

Simple Tips for Easy Conceiving

Let go of protection

From the first moment we plan to have a baby, you must stop being protected. Return of reproductive ability may take some time depending on the method applied. During this period, it is stated that a period of about one month from the menstrual period following the birth control pill or removal of the spiral is expressed, while it is stated that the realization of pregnancy may take up to 3 – 4 months in women who use contraceptive needles, which are one of the contraceptive methods, which act for a long time.

You should maintain your sexual life regularly.

Experts recommend for couples planning pregnancy to have regular sexual intercourse at least 2-3 times a week. It is stated that the occurrence of this situation at certain intervals increases the chance of catching the ovulation time. It is stated that 70% of couples achieve pregnancy within 6 months. The average chance of conceiving for a couple who is not protected and has no fertility problems is around 25% in each menstrual period. Contrary to what is known, having sexual intercourse every day does not increase the probability of pregnancy any more.

Simple Tips for Easy Conceiving

You should consider your ovulation days

Knowing your ovulation date increases your chances of getting pregnant. The most suitable period for this process is 12 – 15 days from the beginning of bleeding in women who menstruate once in 28 days. Because during these periods, a healthy woman will ovulate. You can use the link below to easily calculate your ovulation period. 15% of couples may not conceive at the end of 1 year. In this context, it is necessary to conduct research on the reasons why the couples do not conceive. In order to carry out this research, couples must apply to a doctor.

Avoid substances such as alcohol, cigarettes and drugs

It is pointed out that all harmful substances such as cigarettes and alcohol, which threaten human health in normal life, are among the factors that adversely affect the potential for conception. For this reason, it is recommended to start your pregnancy plan by avoiding these substances.

Being overweight makes it harder to conceive

Being overweight, which is stated to be among the reasons affecting pregnancy, can cause many problems during pregnancy. It is stated that it is best to reach your ideal weight before pregnancy with appropriate diets and a balanced diet. In weight control, the use of many substances such as caffeine and sweeteners should be reduced. Before getting pregnant, foods rich in folic acid should be consumed.

Simple Tips for Easy Conceiving

You should stay away from stress during this period.

Stress is an important factor in the failure of pregnancy. This is why you should stay away from stress, do regular sports and pay attention to your sleep patterns during this period.

No Drinks and Foods to Make Conceiving Easier

There are no beverages or foods that facilitate conception, such as herbal teas. There are no vitamins that couples can use to make it easier to conceive. However, in cases of vitamin deficiency, the necessary vitamins must be taken. You should never use drugs or vitamins without the knowledge of your doctor.