
Tips for Feeling Your Baby's Movements Easier!

How to move the baby in the womb? What should be done to make the baby move? At what week of pregnancy are baby movements felt? All the curiosities are in our article!

Tips for Feeling Your Baby's Movements Easier!
Posted Mar 5, 2022

How to Mobilize the Baby in the Womb?

Undoubtedly, the first thing that expectant mothers look forward to after learning about their pregnancy is to feel their baby's movements. This makes it easier for the mother to bond with her baby and is an important clue for the mother that her baby is healthy. In this article, we have compiled some tips to guide mothers who want to feel their baby's movement.

When are baby movements felt?

Before we move on to the tips to get your baby moving, we need to briefly touch on when you can feel the baby's movements. Babies in the womb move in the first 3 months, but the expectant mother cannot feel these movements. If it is your first pregnancy, it is expected that you will start to feel your baby's movements between the 20th and 24th weeks. Pregnant women who do not have their first pregnancy usually feel the movement of their baby in the 16th-17th weeks. If you still cannot feel your baby's movements when you reach the 26th week, you should definitely inform your doctor.

Tips for Feeling Your Baby's Movements Easier!

What should be done for the baby to move in the womb?

If you want to move your baby who hasn't moved for a while, it may be helpful to first rest and have something to eat and drink. However, if your pregnancy is past the 28th week, you can try lying on your back for a short time. In this position, your baby will definitely move. Besides these;

  • Since the baby will move when the mother-to-be moves, you can take light-paced walks.
  • Drinks such as water, milk or freshly squeezed fruit juice will activate the digestive system of the mother, thus making the baby move as well. It is known that especially fruit juices containing natural sugars make the baby active in a short time.
  • Babies in the womb begin to hear their mother's voice clearly after an average of 25 weeks. That's why, as the pregnancy week progresses, talking to your baby will make him move. It also helps you bond with your baby.
  • It is known that babies are most active between 21.00 and 01.00 hours. Between these hours, you can try to lie on your left side and relax and feel your baby's movements.

Tips for Feeling Your Baby's Movements Easier!

How Many Hours Should a Baby Move in the Womb?

There are countless opinions about how much movement babies in the womb should move in a certain period. But according to the statement accepted by most doctors and announced at the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists; It is quite normal to experience an average of 10 kicking, fluttering, rolling or scratching sensations in 2 hours. If you feel less frequent, it is recommended to contact your doctor.

You can use a notebook to count your baby's movements. Make a scratch on the notebook as soon as you feel the movement, until the number of movements reaches 10 at certain times of the day. Thus, you can observe your baby's movements more easily and discover how long it takes to move 10 times. If you feel 10 movements in 2 hours, this can be perceived as a sign that your baby is in good spirits. If he is moving less, it would be helpful to let your doctor know about the issue.

Is the Baby in the Womb Very Mobile a Sign of a Problem?

According to most experts, less than 10 movements in 2 hours is a condition that requires control, while more than 20 movements are an indication that everything is going well. If the baby is very active during the day, this indicates that he is getting enough oxygen, is well fed and has sufficient amniotic fluid.