
Foods that Support Baby's Development and Help Weight Gain in a Healthy Way

We have compiled for you the foods that help the baby gain weight in a healthy way and support its development during pregnancy. Here are the foods that are good for the baby during pregnancy...

Foods that Support Baby's Development and Help Weight Gain in a Healthy Way
Posted Apr 7, 2022

Now you know how important quality nutrition is in order to have a healthy pregnancy and to hold your baby in your arms in a healthy way. We have discussed in our previous articles that your baby also benefits from the vitamins and minerals of all the foods you consume during your pregnancy. Here in this article; Instead of foods with unqualified nutritional value, we have compiled foods that can store vitamins, minerals, protein and calcium that both you and your baby need. Here are the foods that help the baby in the womb to be at its ideal weight and support its development...

Foods That Make The Baby Gain Weight And Support Its Development In The Womb


Spinach, which is a source of vitamin C, iron and folic acid, helps the development of the baby's spine system and provides a more comfortable pregnancy process for the expectant mother. You can add it to your nutrition list and consume it regularly to support your baby's development and help him gain weight.

Pumpkin seeds

Iron deficiency is one of the most common health problems in our country. This rate is even higher in pregnant women. The healthiest way to combat this problem is to consume foods rich in iron. For example, 100 grams of pumpkin seeds contain an average of 8.8 mg of iron. It is also an indispensable nutrient in terms of zinc. It can be consumed in between meals for the baby's weight and development.

Foods that Support Baby's Development and Help Weight Gain in a Healthy Way


Rich in vitamins and minerals, eggs are the best quality protein source. It also contains folic acid, which is necessary for a healthy pregnancy, especially for the baby's nerve and brain development. Thus, it both helps the development of your baby and allows you to have a healthier pregnancy. If you don't like boiled eggs, you can consume it as an omelet with vegetables.


By eating walnuts during the day, you can help your baby maintain a healthy development. Rich in omega 3 fatty acids, walnuts are also rich in protein and copper minerals that your baby needs.

Foods that Support Baby's Development and Help Weight Gain in a Healthy Way

Fruits & Vegetables

Try to consume fresh seasonal fruits & vegetables throughout your pregnancy. Do not forget to add a fruit to your snacks and a bowl of salad to your main meals. Especially the banana, which is rich in potassium, will help your baby gain weight while developing the musculoskeletal system.


If you want to support your baby's weight gain and development, you should include plenty of dairy products during the day. For example; You can drink milk instead of tea when you wake up in the morning, or you can consume 1 bowl of yoghurt with each main meal. By feeding in this way, you will provide incredible support to your baby's bone development. You can also consume beverages such as kefir, which are both dairy products and relax the digestive system. If you cannot consume it plain, you can sweeten it with your favorite fruits.


Consuming enough protein throughout the day is critical for your baby's development and weight. Undoubtedly, meat is the richest food in terms of protein. Apart from meat, you can consume fish twice a week. However, preparing all these in the oven or grill instead of frying will benefit you in terms of weight control.

Foods that Support Baby's Development and Help Weight Gain in a Healthy Way

Apart from all these, try to keep avocados rich in fatty acids, broccoli rich in folic acid, lentils, chickpeas, flax seeds, hazelnuts, oats, soybeans, kiwi and green leafy vegetables in your menu.

What to Eat and What Not to Eat to Gain Weight Baby During Pregnancy?

During your pregnancy, you should try to choose foods that will affect your baby's weight, but will also support his development, direct his brain development and strengthen his muscles. You should pay attention to the nutritional value of the food and make healthy choices that will meet the calcium, protein and vitamin needs of both you and your baby. Even if high-calorie or fatty foods such as pastries, fries, pies, and ice cream affect your baby's weight, they do not provide the desired protein, vitamin and mineral support. In addition, these foods return to the expectant mother as unnecessary weight, which can lead to other health problems. Do not cut out these foods completely, but try to consume them in a limited way.

Foods that Support Baby's Development and Help Weight Gain in a Healthy Way

Don't Skip the Doctor's Checkups

The weight of the baby in the womb can vary depending on many factors. The most important of these factors is a healthy diet. Apart from that, genetic features or some health problems can also affect the baby's weight. For this reason, the doctor should go to regular check-ups and the baby's weight should be monitored. If weight loss is detected due to a different reason, not nutrition, your doctor will share the appropriate treatment method with you.