
The Best Time to Take a Pregnancy Test!

The most common way for expectant mothers who are planning a pregnancy to find out whether they are pregnant or not is to do a pregnancy test.

The Best Time to Take a Pregnancy Test!

Experts state that pregnancy test has a very important place for couples planning a baby. Pregnancy tests, which have a special importance for mothers who want to become pregnant, represent the beginning of pregnancy or a new beginning when it is learned that pregnancy has started. Expectant mothers usually prefer to do the pregnancy test themselves without informing anyone. Whether the result of the test is positive or not may vary depending on whether the expectant mother wants pregnancy or not. These situations are in expectant mothers; Sometimes it can cause feelings such as joy, sometimes sadness, and sometimes the feeling of proving pregnancy. Those who make a maternity plan or who are suspected of pregnancy, who experience some pregnancy symptoms, When is a pregnancy test done? How reliable are these tests? They are wondering about the answer to their question.

Some Pregnancy Symptoms Can Be a False Alarm

If you are planning to have a baby and you suspect pregnancy and you see a few pregnancy symptoms in your body, there is no need to wait for a pregnancy test. It should also be kept in mind that some pregnancy symptoms may also belong to other diseases. For this, it is recommended by experts to evaluate pregnancy symptoms according to the results of the pregnancy test.

The Best Time to Take a Pregnancy Test!

Pregnancy Test Can Be Performed on Blood or Urine

Pregnancy tests can be done in two ways to understand whether the pregnancy has occurred or not. Experts state that blood and urine tests are more sensitive and reliable than urine tests. A pregnancy test can be performed in any case of suspected pregnancy. Expectant mothers need to feel the following conditions in order to test. These; delay in menstruation, dizziness, nausea, palpitations and fatigue are among the most prominent symptoms.

The Best Time to Take a Pregnancy Test!

Appropriate Times to Take a Pregnancy Test

For women experiencing the above-mentioned pregnancy symptoms, it is stated as an average of 1 week delay in the appropriate time for a urine pregnancy test to be performed. If the expectant mothers' periods are delayed and the suspicion of pregnancy is increased after some symptoms, they can do a home pregnancy test. It is stated by experts that if this test is done correctly, 90% of the results will be correct. However, there is a possibility that these tests may be wrong. For this reason, if you apply to the hospital or your doctor with these symptoms, you will be asked for a pregnancy test. The probability that the result of the blood test requested by the doctor is wrong is very low, and if this test is positive, it means that you are pregnant.