
Pregnancy Treatment with High Success Rate: Vaccination Method

The chance of getting pregnant with the vaccination method is quite high compared to other methods. As such, most of the couples who want to become parents resort to this treatment method and pregnancy is achieved at a high rate.

Pregnancy Treatment with High Success Rate: Vaccination Method
Posted Apr 11, 2022

The chance of getting pregnant with the vaccination method is much higher than with other treatments! Every couple undoubtedly wants to have a baby. Instinctively they desire to taste the feeling of parents. However, sometimes couples cannot have children naturally and have to resort to treatment methods. There are various alternative treatment methods for conceiving. One of them is the treatment of conception by vaccination method. Due to its high success rate compared to other methods, it is often preferred by couples.

Pregnancy Treatment with High Success Rate: Vaccination Method

What is Conceiving by Vaccination Method?

Conceiving treatment by vaccination is the process of placing the male's healthy and high-quality sperm into the female uterus. The method of vaccination is applied to women who have not been able to conceive naturally for a long time. The vaccination method, which is applied with the help of an injector, takes about 10 minutes on average. During the procedure, the woman does not feel any pain. Only 10% of women stated that they experienced temporary menstrual pains. The method of vaccination increases the success rate of couples by about 20%.

Suitable Conditions for Vaccination

There are some conditions that couples must meet in order for the vaccination method to be carried out. In order for the treatment to be successful, first of all, sperm must be produced in the male and egg production in the female. Otherwise, the grafting process cannot be performed as there will be no fertilization. However, couples undergoing infertility treatment are also expected to finish their treatment. It is not possible to switch to the vaccination method before the infertility treatments are finished. Considering the method of vaccination, your doctor will ask you for some tests and perform various tests. As a result of these, if any negativity is encountered in the prospective parents, the vaccination method may not be applied.

Pregnancy Treatment with High Success Rate: Vaccination Method

Risks of Vaccination Method

As with everything in our lives, there are some risks in the vaccination method. Although the probability of these risks is very low, experts explain the probability of encountering them as less than 1%. So what are these risks?

  • Since the sperm is washed before inoculation, most of the bacteria are removed. However, there is a risk of infection since neither the sperm nor the cervix can be fully sterilized. Symptoms of infection include pain in the lower abdomen and groin, fever, and vaginal discharge. The infection can usually be controlled with antibiotics. But if it's too severe, antibiotics may be given intravenously.
  • Although ovulation drugs used before vaccination increase the chance of vaccination, they also increase the possibility of multiple pregnancy. About 20% of women who were vaccinated with ovulatory drugs experienced multiple pregnancies. If 3-4 mature eggs and more are detected on ultrasound, the vaccination is canceled.

What to Do After the Vaccination Method

Pregnancy Treatment with High Success Rate: Vaccination Method

In order to achieve success in the vaccination method, there are a few details that you need to pay attention to after the procedure. These;

  • After the vaccination method is applied, you should rest for 15-20 minutes.
  • Heavy work should not be done after the grafting method. Sports and similar activities should be suspended for a short time.
  • It is okay to have sexual intercourse after vaccination.
  • After the vaccination method, it is normal to see pains similar to menstrual pain in the waist and groin. You may also have a very small amount of bleeding.
  • You can evaluate the results by having a blood pregnancy test 14 days after the vaccination method is applied.
  • If you have complaints such as excessive swelling in the abdomen, difficulty in breathing, nausea-vomiting after the method is applied, you should definitely talk to your doctor.

Success Rate of Vaccination Method

Many factors affect the success rate of the vaccination method. The most important of these factors is the reason for not being able to get pregnant. If there is no sperm problem, the probability of conception is high. But if the woman is older than 35 and has any damage to her tubes, the success rate may be slightly lower. 80% of the pregnancies obtained by the vaccination method were realized in the first three attempts. These attempts do not need to be done in a row. However, if you still have not conceived after 4 attempts, it is recommended by doctors to switch to in vitro fertilization.