
The Best Timing and Frequency of Sexual Intercourse for Conceiving

Experts state that the frequency and timing of sexual intercourse is important for pregnancy.

The Best Timing and Frequency of Sexual Intercourse for Conceiving

Frequency of sexual intercourse is an important factor in getting pregnant. One of the points that women who want to be mothers should pay attention to is timing. After the couples' union, the sperm that will fertilize the woman's egg can stay alive for 2 or 3 days, while the egg cell can stay alive for a maximum of 24 hours. For this reason, it is recommended by experts to have more than one sexual intercourse during the ovulation period, as well as the appropriate time to get pregnant. Having intercourse 1 or 2 days before the woman's ovulation period and on the day of ovulation give. It is said to increase the chances of survival. Although it is not possible to determine the time when the ovulation period will occur, it is stated that this situation depends on the menstrual cycle of the expectant mother.

Frequency of Sexual Intercourse to Get Pregnant

It is stated that couples who want to have a baby should live a regular life together with things such as healthy nutrition and regular life before pregnancy. While the frequency of sexual intercourse is important for getting pregnant, it is stated that some points should be paid attention to during this period for pregnancy to occur. Experts recommend that expectant mothers who want to become pregnant follow their menstrual cycles for a few months. It is important to follow the ovulation period during this period. Experts state that expectant mothers do not need to make too many confusing calculations, and that having sexual intercourse twice a week will be enough to get pregnant.

The Best Timing and Frequency of Sexual Intercourse for Conceiving

Symptoms of ovulation period

  • breast tenderness,
  • Mild discomfort in the abdomen,
  • Watery and increased vaginal discharge similar to egg white,
  • increase in body temperature (fever)

The Best Timing and Frequency of Sexual Intercourse for Conceiving

Ovulation Period Calculation in Women with Menstrual Irregularity

Most women have 12 menstrual periods in a year. In some times, these months may be skipped and may be in the months when menstrual bleeding does not occur. It is stated that this situation can be caused by more experienced problems, gaining excess weight, heavy exercise, and losing excess weight. The more irregular the menstrual bleeding pattern is, the more difficult it can be to determine the ovulation period of the expectant mother. Therefore, following your ovulation period will increase your chances of getting pregnant. Women with menstrual irregularity can use the following method to follow the egg period;

Egg Period Calculation in Menstrual Irregularity

If your menstrual bleeding is in the 1st month, 28 days, 2nd month, 21st, 3rd month, if it is 32 days later, write down our menstrual bleeding interval for a while. Subtract 17 from your shortest period and 11 from your longest period. The days between the two numbers show your ovulation period and thus the days when you are more likely to get pregnant. If menstruation occurs at intervals of more than 35 days, this situation is determined by the doctor; ovarian failure, polycystic ovary syndrome, thyroid disorder, extreme weakness or high prolactin. It is necessary to investigate in order to determine the reasons such as the level of

The Best Timing and Frequency of Sexual Intercourse for Conceiving

Fertility Decreases with Age

Experts generally state that fertility can decrease to a minimum level with advancing age. They draw attention to the fact that the reason for this is not only old age, but also the decrease in the amount of eggs with age. For this reason, they state that women aged 50 and 60 have a good chance of conceiving with a young woman's egg.

Being Pregnant Are There Sexual Intercourse Positions?

It is stated that there is no special position to increase the chance of getting pregnant, there are some positions that help sperm accumulate in the cervix, but there is no study yet to support these claims. It is underlined that the important thing is to have sexual intercourse within the appropriate time. Couples who want to have a baby; It is stated that it will be sufficient to have intercourse a few days before the ovulation time and during the ovulation day.

Is It Necessary To Lie Down After Sex To Conceive?

Experts state that lying in the supine position after intercourse has no proven proof for conception, and that staying in the supine position for 15 minutes after intercourse can keep excess semen in the vagina.

The Best Timing and Frequency of Sexual Intercourse for Conceiving

When to Go to the Doctor?

It is stated that if couples cannot have a baby for more than 1 year despite having regular and unprotected sexual intercourse, or if their menstrual bleeding occurs irregularly, it would be beneficial to see a doctor.

Every woman's process of getting pregnant is different.

Every woman's pregnancy process is different from other women. Among the factors that determine the realization of pregnancy; The general health status of the woman, her age, the functioning of the reproductive organs, the time of sexual intercourse are included. Couples who are in the reproductive period have a 25% chance of getting pregnant each time they have sexual intercourse. The rate of getting pregnant in the first year of couples is around 75-85%. This means that in the absence of any health problems, couples who cannot become pregnant still do not exist today.