
Is Your Baby's Head Sweating Too Often?

Sweating is a basic physiological response to keep body temperature constant. So why do babies sweat more than adults?

Is Your Baby's Head Sweating Too Often?
Posted Mar 21, 2022

Sweating in babies is one of the most common situations mothers face. So many mothers ask, 'Why do babies sweat?' and 'What to do with a sweating baby?' It seeks answers to questions such as. Sweating is a very normal phenomenon in babies, just as it is in adults. Because sweating is a physiological reaction that helps to keep our body temperature in balance. But if sweating has become a detail that catches your eye, it will be useful to consult your doctor.

Why Do Babies Sweat? What to Do with a Sweating Baby?

In this article we have prepared for you; We have compiled the answers to many questions you may be wondering, such as what causes sweating in babies while breastfeeding , what should be done to a baby who sweats at night, and the causes of cold sweating in babies .

Why Do Babies Sweat?

Sweating; It is the basic physiological response to keep body temperature constant. When the body is overheated, it begins to secrete sweat with the help of sweat glands in order to cool down and keep the temperature in balance. More than 90% of the sweat secreted is water. The remaining ratio consists of substances such as sodium, potassium, chlorine and urea. As the organic matter in it increases, the sweat starts to become fragrant. Increasing ambient temperature, being excited, exerting excessive effort or entering humid environments are normal conditions that increase sweating.

Is Your Baby's Head Sweating Too Often?

The main reason for frequent sweating in babies is the high number of sweat glands per surface area. In other words, the fact that the area covered by their skin is low but the number of sweat glands is high can cause frequent sweating. This will tend to normalize as the baby grows. However, thinking that babies are very cold and our desire to raise them in a warm environment also causes them to sweat frequently. If the room temperature is between 20 - 23 degrees, there is no need to dress in layers, it is enough to dress 1 layer more than yourself.

What Causes Sweating While Sucking in Babies?

Sweating while breastfeeding is common in most babies. The baby's inability to grasp and force the breast due to the wrong breastfeeding position, increase in body temperature due to skin-to-skin contact, and breastfeeding the baby with layers of clothing can cause sweating while breastfeeding. However , another reason for sweating while breastfeeding in babies can be heart diseases. Although this situation is exceptional, babies who sweat excessively while breastfeeding should definitely be examined. Because, an important symptom of heart failure problem is sweating while sucking.

For example, babies aged 1 – 2 months can suckle for 15 – 20 minutes and be full. However, this period lasts for 30-45 minutes, if he rests for a long time while breastfeeding, and if there is excessive sweating on the head and face, it is recommended to evaluate the baby in terms of heart.

What Causes Head Sweating While Sleeping in Babies?

Head sweating in babies is considered normal, just like the sweating that occurs while breastfeeding. However, if his head is constantly sweating and this situation is so advanced that it draws your attention, it is useful to consult your doctor. Because frequent and excessive head sweats can indicate vitamin D deficiency. In addition, exerting a lot of effort or being constipated while breastfeeding can also cause head sweating in babies.

Excessive sweating in babies after fever is also common. This is because; With fever, the body's temperature begins to rise. The body, on the other hand, begins to secrete sweat to prevent overheating and balance the heat.

Cold Sweating in Babies

The most striking detail among the causes of cold sweating in babies is excessive effort. Very active babies and young children may experience what we call cold sweating. However , when cold sweating is encountered, especially in the forehead area, it is recommended to consult a doctor and have the baby's heart evaluated.

Is Your Baby's Head Sweating Too Often?

What are the Diseases That May Underly Sweating in Babies?

As you can see, sweating in babies and young children often does not indicate a serious problem. However, even if the rate is low, sweating can be a sign of some diseases. There may be another physiological reason behind this problem of children who sweat excessively, especially when the temperature conditions of the room are suitable. Therefore, we can say that sweating is not a problem that needs to be treated alone. With the tests performed, the cause of sweating should be found first and a treatment plan should be drawn to eliminate that cause. Sweating will disappear with treatment. E.g;

  • Sweating can be seen in some respiratory diseases or allergic conditions.
  • In children with large adenoids, sweating may occur due to congestion in the nose and nasal passages.
  • Antibiotics used to treat infectious diseases can cause sweating.
  • Metabolic and endocrine diseases can also manifest themselves with sweating. Especially in premature babies born prematurely, sweating can be observed due to excessive decrease in blood sugar. If sweating is added to sweating, bruising or rapid heartbeat in newborn babies, a doctor should be consulted without delay.
  • Vitamin D deficiency can also cause sweating in babies.
  • Excessive sweating can be seen in a very rare disease of the pituitary gland and the resulting acromegaly.
  • In older children, overworking of the thyroid gland can cause sweating.

Sweating in Babies May Be Genetic

Familial sweating, especially sweating of hands and feet, is considered a hereditary condition. If there is a sweating problem in the family, the cause of which cannot be found, this child can also be inherited and no problem may be found in the examinations.

Is Your Baby's Head Sweating Too Often?

How to Prevent Non-Illness-Related Sweating in Babies?

Sweating that is not related to the disease can be controlled with simple measures that can be applied at home. For example; Children should definitely wear clothes made of cotton fabrics, especially sleeping bags should be avoided. Foods that can cause excessive sweating (spices, chocolate, peanut butter, etc.) should be consumed less or not consumed at all. If the ambient temperature is suitable, the baby should not be dressed in layers, and the room should be ventilated frequently. Breastfeeding mothers should find a breastfeeding position where the baby will not be forced, and the baby should be washed frequently. Washing frequently will also prevent skin problems such as rash that may occur due to sweating.