
How is Leg Curvature (Bracketed Leg) Treated in Babies?

Braces leg is when the baby's heels are close to each other, but the distance between the knees and legs is greater than normal. So, is this normal?

How is Leg Curvature (Bracketed Leg) Treated in Babies?
Posted Mar 4, 2022

Leg curvature in babies , in other words braces legs , is actually a very common condition. Because as the bone and cartilage structure of babies develops and gets stronger, it is expected that the curvature in their legs will gradually improve. However, not every leg curvature should be considered normal. Because rare diseases such as rickets or blount also present with crooked legs in babies . For this reason, if there is a curvature in your baby's leg that draws your attention, you should consult your doctor so that early diagnosis and treatment can be made.

Now, let's examine all the details about clubfoot symptoms, causes and treatment in babies together.

What is Leg Curvature (Bracketed Leg) in Babies?

Braces leg is when the baby's heels are close to each other, but the distance between the knees and legs is greater than normal. This situation is very common especially in newborn babies and is considered quite normal. Because babies are in an outward-facing position in order to take up less space while in the womb. This can cause the baby's legs to appear crooked after birth. As the cartilage and bone structures of these babies get stronger and their legs begin to load, it is expected that the curvature of their legs will disappear over time.

How is Leg Curvature (Bracketed Leg) Treated in Babies?

What Causes Leg Curvature (Bracketed Leg) in Babies?

There are basically two reasons for leg curvature in babies. If we examine these in two categories as physiological and pathological causes;

1. Physiological Causes

The leg opening seen in many babies is usually due to physiological reasons. For example, when babies are in the womb, they stand in a position with their legs turned out to take up less space. This can cause babies' legs to appear crooked after birth. At the same time, a distorted appearance may occur because the cartilage and bone development of babies is not yet completed and there is no load on their legs. Leg curvatures caused by physiological reasons, such as in these examples, generally do not require treatment and resolve spontaneously over time. However, only the physician can make this decision. Families should definitely not delay their doctor's check-ups with the thought that it will pass anyway. Otherwise, the diseases listed below may be overlooked and the chance for early treatment may be lost.

2. Pathological Causes

Leg curvature in infants can also be caused by pathological reasons, that is, a triggering disease. The most common of these are;

  • Rickets: It is a bone disease that can lead to crooked legs or other bone deformities in infants. It develops due to insufficient intake of calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D. The missing components in the treatment are given by mouth or by injection into the muscle. If treatment is started early, there is no trace of the disease in children.
  • Blount: It is caused by an anomaly of the growth plate located on the upper side of the shinbone. Physiologically based braces leg cases resolve spontaneously over time, while the distortion caused by Blount's disease worsens over time. For this reason, it is necessary to be examined and start treatment as soon as possible.
  • Vitamin D Deficiency: One of the most important causes of crooked legs in babies is vitamin D deficiency. For this reason, physicians can measure vitamin values at regular intervals and start vitamin supplements when they deem necessary.

How to Diagnose Crooked Legs in Babies?

For the diagnosis of clubbed legs in infants, a physical examination is required first. In the examination, many factors such as the age of the baby, the severity of the distortion or whether it is unilateral are evaluated, and the diagnosis is made by performing additional tests if necessary. If the baby is under 2 years old and no disease is suspected, regular follow-up will be sufficient. As we mentioned above, physiological leg curvatures correct themselves over time. However, if there are various underlying diseases, then a treatment plan for the disease is drawn up.

How is Leg Curvature (Bracketed Leg) Treated in Babies?

How is Leg Curvature Treated in Babies?

The first thing to do as soon as clubbing legs syndrome is noticed in babies will be to go to a doctor's control in order to understand whether the problem is physiological or pathological. If your doctor has diagnosed physiological curvature, the crookedness of your baby's legs will go away over time. At the age of 3 on average, it is expected that the appearance of the braces legs will have improved to a great extent. However, it is recommended that the baby be examined by a pediatrician or pediatric orthopedist every 6 months during this period.

If a pathological disease that may cause bone curvature in babies is suspected during the control, your doctor may want to do some tests and examinations to diagnose the disease. At this stage, x-rays may be requested or various vitamin tests may be performed. Although physiological leg deformity in infants does not require treatment, pathological curvatures caused by diseases such as blount or rickets must be treated. Because when it is late, it becomes difficult to get a response from the treatment and pain may occur due to the extra stress on the child's legs.

If Blount's disease can be diagnosed in the early period, orthotic treatment is applied. If there is no response from the orthotic treatment, surgery can be applied after the age of 4 years. Rickets is a disease that usually responds to drugs. It is sufficient to be examined by a metabolism specialist and to be examined at short intervals. If rickets is advanced and does not tend to improve with medication, then surgery may be planned.

In infants, a crooked leg or, in other words, a braced leg , is a common condition and most of them are physiological and resolve spontaneously by the age of 3 - 4 years. However, it should not be forgotten that diseases such as blount or rickets may lie under the curvature of the leg, and doctor's controls should never be neglected.