Uterine and Ovarian Infections May Threat to Pregnancy
The question of whether uterine and ovarian infections prevent pregnancy is one of the most frequently asked questions by experts. These infections can usually be controlled with antibiotics. But if the infections in question have progressed and become chronic, they can threaten reproductive health.
Does uterine and ovarian infection prevent pregnancy? Most of the time, we do not care about the mild health problems we encounter and continue our daily lives unless we see a tangible damage. However, these small problems that we take lightly can cause serious health problems in the future. E.g; Uterine and ovarian infections manifest themselves with minor symptoms and can lead to infertility if not treated. The simplest way to protect our reproductive health is the early diagnosis and treatment of genital diseases. You should consult a doctor without delay in cases of vaginal discharge and similar situations that you do not take seriously. Otherwise, this may have negative effects on pregnancy formation.
Does Uterine and Ovary Infection Prevent Pregnancy?
Does Uterine Infection Prevent Pregnancy?
Uterine infection, also known as cervicitis, starts in the cervix and expands unless treated. Uterine infection is a very common problem among women. In fact, most women continue their lives without realizing that they have a uterine infection. The cause of uterine infection is the reproduction and spread of various bacteria. In some cases, these bacteria can be caught through sexual intercourse. Without early diagnosis and intervention, the result can go as far as infertility.
The most obvious sign of uterine infection is discharge. This discharge usually begins right after menstruation. In addition to this discharge, itching, pain during intercourse, lower back pain and burning sensation during urination can be added. If the infection has advanced and has reached a serious level, these symptoms are accompanied by complaints such as abdominal pain, fever, nausea and vomiting.
If the infection has not progressed too far, it can usually be controlled with antibiotics that your doctor will prescribe. If the disease is transmitted through sexual intercourse, the partner must also be treated. However, if the infection has reached serious proportions and antibiotics do not work, laser removal of abnormal cells is used.
Effect on Pregnancy
Usually, the uterine infection is controlled with antibiotics. However, in rare cases, uterine infection can become chronic and prevent pregnancy by not allowing sperm to enter the cervix.
Does Ovarian Infection Prevent Pregnancy?
The ovaries are the most important part of the female reproductive system. Ovarian infection is the presence of bacteria in the ovaries that have been infected or reproduced for various reasons. These bacteria can affect many organs by infecting the fallopian tubes, the inner lining of the uterus and the uterus. The most risky situation of ovarian infection is when the disease is not taken seriously. Because neglected ovarian infection can lead to infertility in the future.
The most obvious symptom of ovarian infection is pain. In addition to these pains, a burning sensation during urination and a dark, smelly discharge may be accompanied. In very rare cases, nausea, vomiting and fever may occur. If these symptoms occur, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.
Usually, antibiotics are used. It is very important to use the full dose of the drug in antibiotic treatment. Because the infection that does not heal completely can recur when the treatment is left unfinished. Surgery is necessary in case of adhesions, abscesses and cysts caused by inflammation. Since drinking water has been observed to reduce the risk of infection, it is recommended to drink plenty of water during and after the treatment.
Effect on Pregnancy
In cases where ovarian infections are not treated and progress, it can prevent pregnancy. However, many patients who were pregnant despite having ovarian inflammation were encountered. In other words, we cannot conclude that ovarian infections definitely prevent pregnancy. But if you can't get pregnant, it's worth investigating whether you have an ovarian infection.