Top 5 Mistakes New Moms Make After Giving Birth!
Especially women who gave birth for the first time can make some similar mistakes as soon as they step into motherhood.
Especially women who gave birth for the first time can make some similar mistakes when they step into motherhood. Reshaping life according to the baby, trying to cope with increasing responsibilities alone are just a few of them... First of all, it is necessary to accept that; Although motherhood is instinctive, baby care is a learned process over time. The important thing in this period is to try to adapt to the process without panicking and underestimating yourself.
1) Designing Life Just for the Baby
The need for attention of the newborn baby causes the mother to be more sensitive. The mother, who feels obliged to take care of her baby at any moment, almost cuts off her connection with the outside world and feels the need to take care of her baby only. This may cause him to put his wife in the background and not be able to create an opportunity to meet with his friends. However, in this period, the relationship with the spouse should be strengthened and the relationships with friends should not be interrupted in order for the mother to relax psychologically.
2) Avoid Asking for Support
Most women, as soon as their motherhood adventure begins, try to take on all the responsibility alone. Especially if it is the first baby, he is involved in a lot of unusual routine life and the mother tries to cope with all this alone. This situation paves the way for more physical and psychological fatigue of the mother. However, taking on your new responsibilities with your spouse, asking for support from your family members or getting psychological support from a specialist will not humiliate you in the eyes of anyone.
3) Trying to Get Back Up Immediately
One of the most common mistakes women make after giving birth is to try to stand up without getting enough rest. Yes, you may have daily chores, some responsibilities, but you should not forget that you need some rest after giving birth. Otherwise, the sooner you try to stand up, the longer your recovery will take.
4) Condescending/Feeling Inadequate
Especially women who gave birth for the first time may experience a little lack of self-confidence after giving birth. On the basis of this; bathing the baby, removing the gas, breastfeeding and not having experienced many other responsibilities undertaken before and feeling inadequate in the face of all these. However, it is necessary to know that baby care is a learned process and you will improve yourself in this regard over time. As long as you don't panic during this process and don't underestimate what you can do...
5) The Thought 'Something Goes Wrong' Every Time Baby Cries
Every cry of the newborn baby can cause the mother to be stressed and panic. However, the reason why newborn babies cry is often either because they are hungry or because they have gas. Therefore, if you do not see serious symptoms such as redness, swelling, skin rash in your baby, you should not think that something is wrong with every cry. You will find that it calms down when you change it, burp or feed it. Besides, is there a baby around you that isn't crying?