
Causes of Premature Birth and Precautions That Can Be Taken

Premature birth brings with it various dangers for mother and baby. There are many factors among the causes of preterm birth. Let's examine together what these reasons are, which arise from both the mother and the baby, what precautions can be taken to prevent premature birth, what are the recommendations of the experts.

Causes of Premature Birth and Precautions That Can Be Taken
Posted Mar 12, 2022

From the moment they learn that they are going to be parents, every parent wants the 9-month adventure to end and to be reunited with their baby as soon as possible. She wants her baby to be born healthy and to be able to see him. But in some cases, the birth of the expectant mother begins earlier than it should and premature babies are treated in the intensive care unit to survive. Pregnancies that start before they should and do not complete 37 weeks are called preterm birth. Today, according to research, 9% of babies are born prematurely.

Causes of Premature Birth and Precautions That Can Be Taken

What are the Causes of Premature Birth?

Many factors can be found among the causes of preterm births. These factors are analyzed in terms of baby and mother. Among the reasons that may pose a risk of premature birth for the baby; Melformations, multiple pregnancy, lack or excess of water, among the reasons that may pose the risk of premature birth for the mother;

  • The mother is under the age of 17, over the age of 35,
  • Extremely short stature, overweight ratio for height,
  • Infections,
  • Uterine anomalies,
  • bleeding during pregnancy,
  • Frequent births,
  • Increased blood pressure during pregnancy,
  • Anemia,
  • Nutritional deficiency,
  • Lung, heart, kidney and liver disorders,
  • Smoking and alcohol use,
  • There are reasons such as heavy work conditions.

Causes of Premature Birth and Precautions That Can Be Taken

Dangers Awaiting Babies Born Prematurely

Today, although the development of neonatal care units increases the possibility of preterm babies to survive, there are still serious risks waiting for premature babies. Among these risks; There are chronic respiratory problems, neurological and developmental problems, problems with hearing, and visual disturbances.

Precautions That Can Be Taken by Expectant Mothers Against the Risk of Premature Birth

There are some important points that expectant mothers should apply during pregnancy in order to minimize the risk of preterm birth. Accordingly, the most important precaution that can be taken is for the expectant mother to go to the obstetrician regularly for a check-up. In these controls, changes in the vaginal flora are observed, if there are early pregnancy symptoms, the doctor can take various measures accordingly and make suggestions to the expectant mother. For example, in these examinations, the length of the cervix is checked, if the length is below what it should be (less than 2.5 cm), your doctor may take various precautions against premature birth. In addition, the importance of nutrition during pregnancy should be understood and it should be fed properly. Alcohol and cigarettes should not be used in this process. A stress-free and comfortable life should be ensured, as a stressful and tiring life can also lead to the risk of premature birth. If working, working conditions must be improved. The expectant mother should get plenty of rest and not tire herself too much. Ideal weight should be maintained during pregnancy. There must be at least 1 year between two pregnancies.