
12 Signs That Your Birth Is Coming

As we approach the end of pregnancy, what every woman thinks about is what the symptoms of childbirth will be... We have compiled these symptoms for you, which you will definitely witness, even if you don't experience them all.

12 Signs That Your Birth Is Coming
Posted Mar 28, 2022

The signs that the birth is approaching are the same in almost every woman. While your pregnancy period and birth process are special to you, the symptoms that indicate the approach of delivery are seen almost the same in every woman. Below, we have compiled the signs for you that indicate that the birth is approaching. Of course, you may not experience all of the following symptoms, but we can say that you will definitely experience at least a few of them.

Signs of Birth Approaching

1) Beginning to Breathe More Easily

12 Signs That Your Birth Is Coming

You may have had trouble breathing during your pregnancy. This is because; Your baby is putting pressure on your diaphragm muscle and chest cavity. In the last days of pregnancy, your baby begins to descend slowly into the birth canal. Thus, the pressure on your chest cavity and diaphragm muscle decreases and you start to breathe more easily.

2) Mucus Expulsion

12 Signs That Your Birth Is Coming

Throughout your pregnancy, your cervix is clogged with mucus. The reason is to protect your baby against external factors. This mucus in the cervix, also known as 'engagement' among the people, falls as the birth approaches and indicates that there is a little time left for the birth.

3) Increase in your bowel movements

12 Signs That Your Birth Is Coming

Your body automatically begins to prepare itself before birth to ease the baby's passageway. E.g; To facilitate the passage of the baby, he/she tries to empty his/her bowels and you need to go to the toilet frequently in the few days before birth.

4) Feeling of Pressure in Vaginal Area and Anus

12 Signs That Your Birth Is Coming

As the birth approaches, your baby will descend further down. Pains intensify in the pubic region, pelvic and rectum. The pressure is felt more especially in situations such as standing or squatting.

5) Amniotic Fluid

12 Signs That Your Birth Is Coming

The most well-known among the signs of approaching birth is undoubtedly the arrival of amniotic fluid. Birth begins spontaneously within 24 hours following the arrival of the amniotic fluid. Since the amniotic fluid is an important barrier that protects the baby, with the arrival of the fluid, there is no shield to protect your baby inside. For this reason, from the moment the amniotic fluid comes, tampons and so on. things are strongly recommended not to use.

6) Thinning cervix

12 Signs That Your Birth Is Coming

One of the signs of impending labor is thinning of your cervix. The thinning of the cervix is just one of the adjustments your body makes in order for the baby to pass easily during delivery. However, it is not possible for you to understand that the cervix is thinning. Your doctor can understand at the last controls of your pregnancy.

7) Weight Loss

12 Signs That Your Birth Is Coming

You will continue to gain weight regularly throughout your pregnancy. It is considered normal to gain between 11-15 kilograms. A few days before the birth, weight gain stops, on the contrary, you can lose 1-2 kilos. As the hormonal balances will change, the edema in your body will decrease and this will cause weight loss.

8) Increase in Vaginal Discharge

12 Signs That Your Birth Is Coming

As the birth approaches, hormonal balances change. The tissue of the vaginal wall becomes more flexible to facilitate the passage of the baby, and your discharges will increase slightly compared to the discharges in your pregnancy.

9) Frequent urination

12 Signs That Your Birth Is Coming

As the birth approaches, the baby descends and begins to press on the bladder. The frequent need to go to the toilet, which you experienced during your pregnancy, increases even more as the birth approaches.

10) The Shape of Your Belly

12 Signs That Your Birth Is Coming

As your baby approaches the birth canal with the approach of delivery, your belly may become slightly pointed and a drooping appearance may occur.

11) False Birth Pains

12 Signs That Your Birth Is Coming

False contractions and pains are among the signs that indicate that the birth is approaching. The difference between false labor pains and real pains that you may experience from the 35th week of your pregnancy is that they are irregular.

12) Feeling Energetic

12 Signs That Your Birth Is Coming

You may have felt tired and sluggish throughout your pregnancy. You may even have felt the need to take naps frequently during the day. But a few days before birth, you can feel very energetic! Although there is no exact scientific explanation, most women state that they experienced an extreme burst of energy before giving birth.