
Recovery Process of the Vagina After Birth

How long does it take for the vagina to recover after giving birth? You can find the answer to this question that almost every woman wonders in our article below.

Recovery Process of the Vagina After Birth
Posted Mar 5, 2022

How long does it take for the vagina to recover after giving birth? Your 9-month marathon, which was challenging but beautiful, has come to an end... You gave birth and finally got your baby, which you have been looking forward to meeting... However, like every woman, you have some questions in your mind, right? For example; 'How soon will my vagina recover?' After a normal delivery, one of the issues that most women wonder is whether the vagina will return to its original state. Since the vagina has very flexible tissues due to its structure, it is an organ that can recover itself immediately. Therefore, you do not need to worry after your birth.

Recovery of the Vagina After Childbirth

Recovery Process of the Vagina After Birth

In Normal Births...

In normal births, the baby's following the birth canal and passing through the vagina may cause the vaginal walls to stretch. It is more common in women who have given birth twice or more. In addition to the number of births, the large size of the baby can also cause enlargement of the vagina. However, since the vagina is an organ that can recover quickly due to its structure, your enlarged tissues will recover in a short time after birth. It is also worth noting that; Enlargement in the vagina is not seen in every woman after childbirth. The important point here is the tissue structure of the person. If the tissue structure of the person is not flexible enough, enlargement can be seen after birth. It is thought that the episiotomy incision made to the mother for a more comfortable delivery during normal delivery will also cause the vagina to expand. But the epiostomy incision, It is planted immediately after birth and the area regains its former form in a short time. It is even said that episiotomy sutures cause narrowing of the vagina.

Cesarean Births...

Cesarean deliveries do not cause enlargement of the vagina. Because, as we mentioned above, the factor that causes the enlargement of the vagina is not the growing uterus during pregnancy, but the passage of the baby through the vagina during birth. However, if the delivery method was planned as a normal delivery method until the last moment and a cesarean section was decided due to reasons that developed at the last minute, vaginal enlargement may occur. Because the baby can move through the birth canal and apply pressure to the vagina, causing the tissues to stretch.

Recovery Process of the Vagina After Birth

How Long After Birth Does the Vagina Recover?

It usually takes 5-6 weeks for the vagina to recover after normal deliveries. Since your doctor will prohibit sexual intercourse during this period, it will not be possible for you to feel the width in your vagina. Complete recovery may take 2-3 months. If you haven't felt any improvement in your vagina even though it has been 2-3 months since your birth, you can talk to your doctor. After delivery, the healing of your stitches usually takes place within 2-3 weeks. It is normal to feel pain and burning during urination in the first days. In the coming days, the burning sensation you experience will decrease and disappear.