
Is It Normal To Flow From The Breasts During Pregnancy?

Is it normal to have milk from the breasts during pregnancy? What does the discharge from the breast during pregnancy indicate? Details are in our article...

Is It Normal To Flow From The Breasts During Pregnancy?
Posted May 4, 2022

Milk Coming From Breasts During Pregnancy

From the moment you learn that you are pregnant, you can observe many changes in your body under the influence of various hormones. One of these hormones is prolactin, known as the milk hormone. Prolactin makes you ready for milk production by maturing your mammary glands from the 8th week of your pregnancy. Although breast milk often starts to come with birth, it is seen that it comes during pregnancy in some women. This is perfectly normal and does not require any treatment. In this article; You can find all your questions about milk/liquid coming out of the breast during pregnancy.

Is It Normal To Flow From The Breasts During Pregnancy?

Fluid from the Breast during Pregnancy

Coming of milk during pregnancy is quite normal, especially in the last weeks of pregnancy. Although this situation is not seen in every expectant mother, it is a very common situation. The reason; It is the preparation of your breasts for milk production with the rise of the hormone prolactin. Since it is a perfectly normal condition, it does not require any treatment. You can start using nipple pads to protect your clothes from the incoming liquid.

Colostrum (Oral Milk)

Colostrum, popularly known as colostrum, is the first liquid from the breast and is very special for the baby. It is even considered as the baby's first vaccine. Because the mother's body produces this abundant antibody-containing fluid so that the baby can be protected from many bacteria and viruses. It has a dense consistency, dark and yellow in color. It contains more protein, less carbohydrates and fat than normal breast milk. It is the most easily digestible substance for the baby. With these aspects, colostrum appears as a very special liquid. If milk comes out of your breasts during pregnancy, this does not mean that colostrum is wasted. This special liquid will come again when the baby is born.

Is It Normal To Flow From The Breasts During Pregnancy?

Is Breast Fluid During Pregnancy a Sign of Premature Birth?

There is a common belief among the public that milk coming from the breasts before birth may be a sign of preterm birth. However, there is no relationship between these two conditions. Breast milk usually begins to come out of the breasts in the last months, and it can rarely be seen in earlier months in some expectant mothers. In some, there is no fluid at all until birth. None of these indicate a risky situation for the mother or the baby.

Consult a Doctor in the Following Situations

It is normal for fluid to come out of your breast as described above during pregnancy. However, if you see the following symptoms, you should definitely consult your doctor.

  • If the incoming fluid is brown or pink,
  • If it looks bloody
  • If it looks inflamed and smells,

You should see your doctor.

Is It Normal To Flow From The Breasts During Pregnancy?

Non-Pregnant Women Can Also Have Fluid From The Breasts

The state of milk coming out of the breast of women who are not pregnant or have a baby is called galactorrhea. Again, elevated prolactin hormone is the main cause of galactorrhea. Although the incoming liquid is mostly white or colorless, in some cases it may appear yellow or green. Apart from the high level of prolactin hormone, underactive thyroid gland, various drugs, stress, increased estrogen hormone or breastfeeding for a long time can also cause galactorrhea. People who develop galactorrhea may experience menstrual irregularity and a decrease in ovulation. Depending on the situation, the situation can be easily controlled with various drugs.

What is Prolactin?

Prolactin; It is a kind of hormone secreted from the chickpea-sized pituitary gland located in the lower part of the brain. Its main function is to prepare the breast of the expectant mother for milk production. It is at high levels during pregnancy and puerperium. It is also responsible for the menstrual cycle. Regular secretion of prolactin during pregnancy and breastfeeding prevents the formation of a new pregnancy by stopping the secretion of GnRH and FSH hormones. This hormone is the reason why women who have just given birth cannot become pregnant for a while. However, you should still use the most suitable protection method for you.