
How Long Does Post-Cesarean Delivery Pain Last?

As with any operation, it is quite normal to feel pain after a cesarean delivery. So, how long does post-cesarean delivery pain last? What can be done to reduce pain after cesarean section? Details are in our article…

How Long Does Post-Cesarean Delivery Pain Last?
Posted Mar 28, 2022

How Long Does Post-Cesarean Delivery Pain Last?

Since cesarean section is a surgical operation, it is very normal to feel pain after delivery. The main cause of this pain is related to the cutting of the skin and subcutaneous tissues such as muscle and fascia. Immediately after birth, the uterus begins to contract to recuperate and stop bleeding, which aggravates this pain a little. However, thanks to the painkillers and anesthesia methods developed today, the pain felt is kept to a minimum. So, how long does post-cesarean delivery pain last? What can be done to reduce pain after cesarean section? Details are in our article…

How to Reduce Pain After Cesarean Delivery?

The period in which the pain is felt most intensely after the cesarean section is between the first 2 – 4 hours. If you have had spinal or epidural anesthesia, you can get through this process more easily. Because the effect of epidural and spinal anesthesia lasts for a few more hours after delivery. On the other hand, women receiving general anesthesia try to keep their pain under control by using narcotic analgesics or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory pain relievers. Since there will be pain reliever in the serum given in the hospital after the surgery, it is expected that the pain will be felt even less.

How Long Does Post-Cesarean Delivery Pain Last?

Patient Controlled Pain Relief (PCA)

This method, as you can understand from its name, is a method in which women can take medication under their own control as soon as they feel pain after giving birth. The moment the mother feels pain, she presses the button and medicine is released into her body. In general, it is applied after epidural anesthesia, leaving the catheter in place. This method is also used in many operations other than cesarean section operations. Its advantage is that the person does not have to wait for the application of painkillers, and that small painkillers are given instead of high doses of drugs.

When Does Post Cesarean Pain Relieve?

Although the pain is felt somewhat more intensely in the first hours after cesarean delivery, it is expected to decrease after the 6th hour. In this way, the mother can stand up and walk, but she should avoid sudden movements. Otherwise, intense pain may occur in the groin area and abdomen. One day after the operation, the pain is relieved. After discharge, painkillers are prescribed in the form of tablets so that the mother can use them at home. Until the time he comes to the control, that is, in the first 1 week at home, mild pain may be felt, and severe pain is not expected. In this process, it is recommended to avoid sudden movements, to be careful while bending and straightening, and to take plenty of rest.

How Long Does Post-Cesarean Delivery Pain Last?

Symptoms of Infection After Cesarean Section

After cesarean delivery, infection may develop at the wound site due to various reasons. However, the most common cause is poor hygiene. In addition, the mother's being overweight, prolonged delivery, or the presence of diabetes or blood pressure may increase the risk of infection at the suture site after cesarean section. So, what are the signs of infection after cesarean section?

  • Discharge or bleeding at the wound site,
  • Smelly vaginal discharge,
  • Redness/swelling at the wound site
  • Pain/burning when urinating
  • Fever.

When these symptoms are observed, the doctor should be contacted.

How Long Does Post-Cesarean Delivery Pain Last?

How should the suture care be after cesarean section?

It is important to keep the area clean and dry so that the wound site does not become infected after cesarean section. In this process, it is recommended that you take your first shower standing up. If you bought the apparatus that covers the area and prevents it from getting wet, you can take a shower from the first day. Otherwise, it is not recommended to take a shower for 3-4 days. When you leave the hospital, you should not interrupt your daily dressing with the solution that your doctor will prescribe for you, and you should avoid sudden movements that will force your stitches.