
Fertility Peak Days: How to Calculate the Ovulation Period?

How about calculating the day of your highest fertility?

Fertility Peak Days: How to Calculate the Ovulation Period?
Posted Apr 13, 2022

How to Calculate the Ovulation Period (Day)?

Almost every couple planning pregnancy benefits from the ovulation period calculation method. Because the ovulation period is the period when women have the highest chance of getting pregnant if there are no reproductive problems. During this period, the matured egg is released into the fallopian tubes from a sac called a follicle. In this process, also known as ovulation, if the egg meets the sperm cell, pregnancy occurs. In this article we have prepared for you; We have compiled the answers to frequently asked questions such as what is the ovulation periodand how to calculate the ovulation day.

What is the Ovulation Period?

During the ovulation period, also known as the ovulation period, the maturing egg is released into the fallopian tubes from the sac called the follicle. This situation, which continues from the first menstruation until the menopause, occurs every month in healthy women of reproductive age. The meeting of the egg left in the fallopian tubes with the sperm is the first step of pregnancy. Therefore, women planning pregnancy calculate the ovulation period and increase the frequency of sexual intercourse during this period, which greatly increases the chance of pregnancy. However, the fact that couples who do not plan pregnancy have unprotected sexual intercourse outside the ovulation period does not mean that pregnancy will not occur. Calculation of the ovulation periodand having sexual intercourse outside of those dates is not a reliable method for contraception, additional methods of contraception should be preferred.

Fertility Peak Days: How to Calculate the Ovulation Period?

What are the Ovulation Period Symptoms?

The ovulation period is not a process that makes itself felt with obvious symptoms. While some women experience various physical changes during the ovulation period, some women may not have any symptoms, and this is perfectly normal. The most common complaint in women who feel the symptoms is the pain felt in the lower abdomen. A burning sensation can be added to this pain, which is felt due to the maturation of the egg and the stretching of the sac called the follicle in which it is located. Symptoms of ovulation periodAnother detail is the increase in basal body temperature. During this period, an increase of around 0.5 degrees in basal body temperature can be observed depending on the hormone progesterone. Body temperature, which is measured as soon as you get up in the morning without moving at all, may be half a degree higher than normal for the 24 hours following ovulation.

Another change, which is among the symptoms of ovulation day, is experienced in vaginal discharge. Vaginal discharge, also known as cervical mucus, may increase slightly during this period. Its appearance is transparent and slippery. In addition to all these, during the ovulation period, breast tenderness, swelling in the abdomen, increased sexual desire and a difference in the senses of taste / smell may be felt.

How Many Days Does the Ovulation Period Last?

Although it takes an average of 5-6 days for the egg to mature and be released from the sac, it usually takes 24 hours for ovulation to occur. As a matter of fact, the answer to the question of how many days the ovulation period lasts can be given as 1 day. After the egg is released from the follicle and progresses to the fallopian tubes, the survival time is approximately 24 hours. Sperm can stay alive in the female body for 4-5 days. In order to increase the chance of pregnancy, the frequency of sexual intercourse can be increased 4-5 days before the ovulation period and on the calculated ovulation day.

Fertility Peak Days: How to Calculate the Ovulation Period?

How is the ovulation period calculated?

It is quite easy to calculate the ovulation period for women who have a regular period every 28 days. In these people, ovulation occurs on the 14th day after the onset of menstruation. If a pregnancy plan is being made, intercourse can be started from the 9th-10th day following the menstrual bleeding. Thus, the chance of meeting the egg and sperm is increased. Because the sperm cell can stay alive in the female body for 4-5 days.

Menstrual bleeding between 21 and 35 days is considered normal, and these people can easily calculate their ovulation periods by going back 14 days from the next menstrual day. However, in people with very irregular menstrual bleeding, calculating the ovulation period with the calendar method may not give accurate results.

The symptoms experienced during the ovulation period can be misleading as they are not seen regularly in every woman. However, observing cervical mucus and monitoring basal body temperature can still be useful in determining the day of ovulation. Apart from this, one of the methods used to calculate the ovulation period is the ovulation test. These tests help detect the ovulation period by measuring the level of luteinizing hormone (LH) in the urine, which begins to increase within 24 to 36 hours before ovulation occurs.

Apart from these methods, you can also get information about your ovulation period by applying to a gynecologist. The development of the follicle by ultrasonography, laboratory tests and LH hormone level are measured.

How is the ovulation day calculated in those with menstrual irregularity?

It is expected to have a period every 28 days in every healthy woman of reproductive age. Bleeding occurring at intervals of more than 35 days or less than 21 days is considered menstrual irregularity. Menstrual bleeding that lasts less or more than it should, and not having a period for 3 months or longer are also considered as menstrual irregularity. Although this situation is mostly caused by hormonal reasons, ovarian cysts, polyps or fibroids, there may also be disorders such as depression or diabetes. It is not possible for people with menstrual irregularity to determine the ovulation period with the menstrual calendar. It is more useful to use ovarian tests sold in pharmacies.

Fertility Peak Days: How to Calculate the Ovulation Period?

What You Need to Know About the Menstrual Cycle

During the menstruation period, which takes place every 28 days on average, the female body prepares itself every month for the possibility of a new pregnancy. The menstrual cycle is a complex process controlled by the ovaries, uterus and brain. During this period, the hypothalamus in the brain stimulates the pituitary gland to secrete LH and FSH hormones. With the mixing of the secreted hormones into the blood, this time the follicles in the ovarian reserves are stimulated and thus the ovulation period begins. The matured egg is released into the uterus from the sac it is in. The follicle from which the egg comes out takes on the task of releasing estrogen. As the egg moves through the fallopian tubes, the uterine wall thickens thanks to the estrogen hormone released. Fertilization occurs when the egg meets the sperm cell in the fallopian tubes. The resulting embryo reaches the uterus and attaches to it. However, if the egg does not meet with the sperm cell, estrogen secretion decreases and the level of progesterone hormone increases. Thus, the thickened inner lining of the uterus begins to shed to return to its original state. This is reflected as menstrual bleeding. Every healthy woman of reproductive age goes through this cycle every 28 days on average.